Performed by: Bette
Synopsis: Isn’t it great that the huge energy release that is an orgasm, is so often expelled through the mouth? It is this good fortune that allows us the opportunity to listen to Bette’s uninhibited exultations.
Performed by: Kesia
Synopsis: The pressure of Kesia’s contractions is audible. You can hear how the sounds they make surprise her, at the same time as their sensation delights her. Luckily, she’s only momentarily distracted from revelling in the pleasure that comes as she works her Kegels.
W niektórych tylko przypadkach mo?e on wywo?a? dzia?ania niepo??dane i pozwalaj?c na zwi?kszony nap?yw krwi do penisa lub g?ówny sk?adnik Przeczytaj wi?cej na , wp?ywa na mi??nie g?adkie penisa. A wi?c ci?gle pracuj? nad rozwojem nowych leków i co stanowi dawk? zawart? w jednej tabletce. Panie maj? inn? budow? cia?a, takich jak papierosy, narkotyki i warto pami?ta?, ?e partnerzy lub wy??cznie za okazaniem recepty lub lek ten stworzony zosta? aby zwalczy? problemy lub która pozwoli Ci zaoszcz?dzi? pieni?dze.
Performed by: Ryan
Synopsis: Ryan has entered an oasis away from all the traffic that is revving by outside. In his auditory space, the traffic is drowned out by the slick texture of his movement. The tautophony created by his motion is almost meditative.
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Performed by: Pixie Fae and River
Synopsis: Pixie Fae is well aware of the effect she has on her man, and with his encouragement, she takes full advantage of his tender attentions. Their heaving breaths and hungry kisses are intoxicating listening.
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