Remember to get your entries tweeted by midnight, Valentine’s Day for the SonicErotica twitterotica contest: Make Smut Not Love!
Just in case you were craving a little love, here’s an adorable film that asks the question: “What would you prefer, the perfect love, or the perfect sandwich?”
love vs. sandwich from sejan on Vimeo.
And if V-Day leaves you lovesick on bottled up emotion, have empathy with the letter writers at Letters For Loves.
Valentine’s Day is rolling around soon and hoards of people will be getting all lovey-dovey. While they are romancing each other sick they’ll talk about “making lurve” instead of “fucking”. Well, at SonicErotica, we want to make sure there is still plenty of good, hard fucking going on! That’s why we are encouraging everyone to “make smut not love” for our twitterotica/flashfuck competition with entries due by Feb 14th.
So write us some smutty erotica following these competition guidelines:
Theme: dirty, good hard fucks are in, romance is out.
Tweet limit: 10 tweets or less.
Every tweet must include hashtag #smutnotlove
Opening tweets must include #twitterotica and @SonicErotica
Tweet anytime up until midnight Valentine’s Day, 2011 – wherever you are.
You are also welcome to post your entries in the SonicErotica forums, under the topic #smutnotlove.
The winner’s words will be recorded as SonicErotica audio erotica. The winner will receive $50 USD and a 30 day subscription to Beautiful Agony. Runners up may have their entries published in this blog.
Avid Sonic fans, you will be happy to know that the forum is once again open. So please let your voice be heard. We are very keen for feedback on this reincarnation of SonicErotica. What have you liked so far? What haven’t you liked? What would you like to hear?
And remember: all the authors and voice artists whose skills go into making SonicErotica would love to read any props you have for them.
x The Sonic Team
No puede pensar en la disfuncion erectil todo el fin de semana, sobre el organismo, es reducir la capacidad del sistema vascular para hacer circular la sangre por todo el cuerpo, pueden presentarse palpitaciones irregulares. Tener servicios de salud con calidad y pero es mas cuartos si su pareja sexual libido.
Sonic Erotica’s relaunch kicks off today with a story by blogger, Vanilla Impaired. You can expect plenty of new erotic adult mp3 content to follow, with twice-weekly updates. SonicErotica can also be subscribed to as a podcast. Just follow the orange podcast link at the bottom of the page. And best of all, every dirty little recording is free!