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The lust that surfaces through the mere retelling of their final adventure, suggests that this lady has certainly left her mark on Jeremy. Making the most of their highly charged connection, they take a hike to a secluded spot and let all that animalistic energy out in the wild.
He stands over her, each person touching themselves, close enough to languish in each other, yet not close enough to grasp and fuck and come together in the ways they are used to. It’s interesting that the challenge of increased physical separation results in a session that they find to be completely indulgent.
Jeremy is quite the storyteller. His keen memory and attention to detail should be listed on his resume, but for today he’s employing these skills to give us a richly descriptive account of the best sex he’s ever had.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. But nothing says farewell like a frenzied fuck in the backseat. The knowledge that you may not see your lover for some time, instils a passion that can only be expressed physically.