Performed by: Alexis
Synopsis: “I sort of use masturbation as a technique to figure out what I am into.’Cause I’ll experiment with different thoughts.” Her Hearsay is rich with fantasies, dreams and curiosities of the mind, because Alexis finds sexual metaphor across all elements of life.
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Performed by: Various
Music by: Eff
Synopsis: There are those memories that will always stand out when your mind flicks back over the the blur of bodies you have bumped against. Here, the stories of multiple women merge for the ultimate telling of those unforgettable encounters.
Performed by: Karen
Synopsis: “Of course I use my imagination when I masturbate!” Karen dishes the details of her erotic inspiration, from the memories of certain touches, to the imagined sensation of penetration.
Performed by: Vanessa
Synopsis: Although she is fluently bilingual, when talking about her sexual experiences there are times that only sound effects can make the right emphasis. Vanessa’s tales of gotta-have-you-right-now arousal and powerful orgasms are interspersed with gritted teeth explosions, and high pitched Harry-Met-Sally impressions.
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