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There are those moments with past lovers that just stay with us, continue to make us wet or hard at even the slightest flashback and get added to the spankbank rotation. When this teasing conversation between exes recalls one such hook up, the memory has the desired effect.
A sweetly sentimental ode to the kind of tear-your-clothes-off-and-tear-you-apart fucking that occurs when lovers have had time and distance against them.
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After having her itch politely scratched by Mr Rake, Poly is hopeful of something a little more impressive with Mr Flowers. Fortunately, a prelude of laughter, serenade and breakdance leads to record-breaking, deity-praising, near-hyperventilating maneuvers in the bedroom.
Poly Anima breezes into SonicErotica, whips things up with her wit and charm and leaves the room stinging with sexual tension. In Part 1, Poly introduces us to her conquests, adjusts her cleavage, gets busy beside the cigarette machine, and snags a phone number – all with out smudging her lippy.