Submission Guidelines

Please read these VERY CAREFULLY!

1. Legal jargon

You are 18 years of age or older and legally able to write, submit and read erotic or pornographic material.

2. The work must be your own

Don't be trying to pass off someone else's hard work as your own now. We're very clever at looking stuff up and sniffing out plagiarism. Besides, that's cheating, which isn't very nice. Or legal.

3. We shouldn't have to say this but…

Freaky sex is great, but keep it above board, ok? We're all adults and should know what's acceptable as entertainment. No sick pervy kiddie stories or ladies getting rammed by PharLap. We know where you live.

4. Length

Size does matter. We have a lot of material to get through, so please stick to the word limit. There is no minimum word length requirement but we reckon you have to supply at least five minutes worth of good reading. If you have a longer story that could be serialised into shorter chapters, send us the first two chapters and we'll let you know if it's what we're looking for.

5. Don't submit unfinished masterpieces

We want to know what happens at the end. No works in progress please. And you don't need to worry about your stuff being stolen – we wont publish a single word of your story until we have your permission and you're paid in full.

6. One at a time please

You might have a backlog of works of staggering genius, but we'll only get through them one at a time. Choose your BEST fiction that represents you at your most creative.

7. Spellcheckers are stupid

You are responsible for proofing your work before it reaches us. Things that will affect your submission include incorrect spelling & poor grammar. Don't trust your computer to do it properly. As this is an international site, we acknowledge that there will be a few discrepancies in the way we spell things, so we're not here to split hairs. But were also knot hear to correct you're mistakez if you make alot of them.

8. How long will it take for you to get back to me?

We're busy and stuff but your work means a lot to us, so we'll try our very best to acknowledge your submission & respond as soon as possible.

9. Who owns what?

The copyright on your piece of writing remains yours. By submitting your piece for consideration, you agree to give us permission to publish it – in part or in whole – across all areas of our site, and for promotional material. For this, we pay you a licence fee – once your work is approved for publication. Any new work created by us that is derivative of your work will acknowedge this.

10. A fee – how much will you pay me?

If your work is accepted for publication, you will receive a Release Form from us detailing your Author fee along with the full Terms & Conditions of publication. The minimum fee applicable is US$50.

11. What is this bit about recording my story?

Tadalafil sx sin receta médico en españa Viagra sx, varios internet medellin métodos que puede aplicar para el cuidado de la salud, la característica principal de Sildenafil es una muy larga duración del efecto. Cialis tiene una alta propiedad selectiva y afecta a aquellas enzimas que afectan los genitales, la duración del efecto terapéutico oscila entre 4 y 36 horas dependiendo del remedio escogido.

SonicErotica might like your story enough to have it read out loud in a very sexy manner. Hot!

12. You didn't like it?

Please be aware that we will not be accepting all and everything that comes through. The work has to be good, readable, interesting, stimulating, and all that jazz. It has to pass through a stringent series of SonicErotica test panels and come out the other side. If your story isn't accepted, don't get disheartened – polish up your technique and try again.

You will be notified by email if your submission has been successful, and a Submission Kit will be sent out to you.

OK, enough. I want to submit!

Go ahead, you can submit your story here.

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