You may remember when Hyperballad recorded a few of her true sexcapades for us. Well, our very descriptive friend Jeremy has offered to tell a few from his personal highlight reel. In this instalment, he recounts that deliciously drawn out period of initial flirtation, when even the brush of a hand or knock of a knee send little electric shivers through your body.
When Emily wants something, she approaches it with fierce determination. And her craving is strong today. Ok, ok I sound like I’m introducing a cheesy vampire movie, but you all know what I mean – she wants an orgasm!
The girls’ pillow talk goes from toys to sandwiches, punctuated by their culminating moans and gasps. All their expressions are so vicariously effective, you’ll feel as if you’ve experienced the friendship and the benefits too. This is the tender completion of the kind of long sticky summer romp that wet dreams are made of.
Despite his sense of disquiet, he can’t help but demand the details. And she complies, filling him in on her ‘just the once’ experience. Whilst her retelling plays with his emotions he takes whatever physical control he can; leading him from from agitated to aroused, and eventually, from perturbed to pacified.