Performed by: Dave
Synopsis: There’s something really familiar about the sound of Dave lighting up after he comes. It’s not just the taste it conjures on your lips, or the feel of imagined smoke hitting the lungs, but the very moment it represents. Satiated, post-orgasm peace and contemplation.
What with the jingling of an inquisitive feline friend’s collar and the low rumble of housemate voices audible through her bedroom wall, Celeste has plenty to contend with. Silly Kitty soon realises that all Celeste’s attention is self-focused right now, and curls up for a nap instead.
Another study break, Cobain? One topic Cobain has studied intricately is the art of orgasm. And since much of her research on the subject takes place on her back in the bathtub, legs spread eagle, hips tilted so that the water hits just so, you might agree that she shows real dedication. A+
Cobain has a clever way to give her mind a quick reset and enable herself to focus on her psychology studies. It may qualify as procrastination, but it seems perfectly cathartic to me – no matter what Freud may have to say about her onanism.