Performed and Written by: Various
Synopsis: We have so much in the to-be-edited pile at Sonic Erotica HQ, that I thought I’d give you a taste of things to come. The complete versions of some of these samples may be just around the corner!
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The lust that surfaces through the mere retelling of their final adventure, suggests that this lady has certainly left her mark on Jeremy. Making the most of their highly charged connection, they take a hike to a secluded spot and let all that animalistic energy out in the wild.
In acceptance of their liaison’s very transience, Jeremy decides to make the moment count via some serious romancing. Embellishing with bubble bath and massage oil, it seems he’s paid good attention to every chick flick he’s ever endured. You’ve gotta love a guy who remembers (and then relates) the details.
You may remember when Hyperballad recorded a few of her true sexcapades for us. Well, our very descriptive friend Jeremy has offered to tell a few from his personal highlight reel. In this instalment, he recounts that deliciously drawn out period of initial flirtation, when even the brush of a hand or knock of a knee send little electric shivers through your body.