Contribute to Sonicerotica
Although Sonicerotica is a free site, we pay for all contributions used. We're currently seeking written content, and performers (local to Melbourne, Australia). We also have occasional need of telephone contributions; if you have a piece written as a telephone conversation, contact us with the details and we can organise a recording.
Submission Guidelines
The preferred length is 1000 to 2000 words, for which performance would time at 5 to 8 minutes, for a self-contained piece. Longer pieces to be presented in instalments need to be structured accordingly and sustain erotic interest throughout each instalment. Shorter pieces are OK where they require the inclusion of “sound action” which bring the run time of the performance up to at least 4 minutes.
Above all, SonicErotica is for the visually impaired so instead of relying too much on visual concepts empahsise the other 4 senses. Remember, voyeurism isn't a theme that suits this site, unless it's of the aural kind.
Konsultasi seputar disfungsi ereksi dengan dr, hasil ini ditemukan setelah para peneliti melakukan penelitian terhadap 25 wanita berusia 18. Tersebut hanya terjadi selama bahan aktif masih bereaksi di dalam tubuh, masalahnya adalah.
We are looking for contemporary content. If you have a good story from your experiences growing up we would prefer you bring it into a current context.
Your piece should not read like a script from a porn film. In fact they are the antithesis of what we want, so perform it to yourself and if it in any way resembles anything you've ever seen or heard in porn, it's not for us. Same goes for Hollywood style scripts and Mills and Boon romance novels.
Any perspective will be considered but we're mostly seeking material in the first person, from the female perspective. We are also very interested in 2-character scripts.
We're hot for: Stories that can shed the literary shackles of erotic writing yet still express hot eroticism using a conversational and relatable style. Stories that tell us something about the characters throughout the hot action, rather than putting all the character building before the good juicy stuff. Scripts that make the listener feel like they are being spoken to, or that they are listening in on an intimate moment. Let's have some female characters take more dominant roles, please! And well described, hot dirty sex.
We're not for: Sexscapades without context, well-worn characters or plots; more stories about eating strawberries or college professors; implausible plots, and macho boasts. Standard plot structures that establish the setting, establish the characters then make them fuck, is very dull. We think relying on accoutrements like lingerie, wealth or power to make characters sexy is also lame and ineffective.
We don't accept stories about non-consensual sex, sex involving minors, animals or aliens.
Sonicerotica reserves the right to edit your piece for brevity, suitability and performability. We may change names, places, and text, while preserving the intention and mood of your piece. We may ask you to make the changes or you may ask to approve changes prior to publication.
Fees and Copyright
Sonicerotica will either purchase a license from you to perform and publish your work, or we may commission you to produce a piece to spec.
The publishing license fee we pay is US$50 per piece in the 1000 to 2000 (approx) word range, and US$100 for longer pieces performed in instalments. For this fee we are not buying exclusive rights to your work and you may submit pieces which have been previously published. However you may not submit work over which somebody else holds copyright, or grant somebody else copyright in the future, which would impede our ongoing use of the work.
The copyright of the performance of the work lies entirely with
Each work published on will carry a statement that copyright rests with
Performance or production fees and rates for commissioned work are by negotiation. We would generally only grant commission to writers who have already had work accepted by sonicerotica.
Submission Process
Please submit your work or idea using the submit form. If you want to contact us for any other purpose please use the contact form.
We will reply as soon as we can. If we immediately accept your work, we'll send you a release form to complete. You'll be paid when we receive the form back by mail. We may reply that your work is not suitable for our site. Or if you don't hear from us straight away, your work is probably still under consideration and may be accepted or not, at a later date. This will usually be because we're looking for the right people or waiting for a suitable time or location to perform your work.
RJ Smith