A warm welcome today to SonicErotica's first in-house author, Arielle. Her gorgeously sensual story 'Sleepy Kitten' will have you stretching like a satisfied tabby after a delicious meal of gentle wake-up sex.
Doing her part for international relations, our heroine engages in a sly game of stealth with a fellow traveller. Before it's over, this adventure on the red-eye will be sure to leave you red-faced…
We've long been fans of this unsual, possibly uncategorisable erotica blog. It's the best place to start looking for erotic art (and we're not talking airbrushed bimbos in spandex g-strings), unusual fetishes (wheelchairs & crutches, anyone?), quality links to genuinely weird shit. Half an hour exploring Sugarcut will expand your idea of what it means to be sexy. And there is an unusually high amount of squid. What more could you ask for?
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Yay Jane's Guide! One of the interweb's most respected 'adult' review sites caught SE on their radar this week. Thanks to the vampy Vamp for your glowing review! If you've come here from there, please be sure to drop into the forum and introduce yourself.