29 Days of August is a novella of appetites, a Dangerous Liaisons for the digital era.
Designed as an accompaniment to the languid, over-heated days of summer, ’29 Days of August’ follows the adventures of two lovers as they travel in a vintage Porsche 914 through Europe and steal a painting that captured the imagination of 19th century luminaries from Oscar Wilde to Sarah Bernhardt. This couple lives by two simple rules. First, hide nothing—share with radical transparency each moment, each caress. Second, never utter a word about the past—no names, no history, no baggage.
Interestingly, this erotica fiction is written with social media platforms in mind. Made up of 140 character spurts tailored for the forum of twitter it is delivered in daily installments from August 1st to the 29th of 2011.
29 Days of August is embedded within the fabric of social networks but exists at a slower, vacation-oriented velocity, asking to be relished leisurely through the course of a month.
A sample:
The coil comes up red hot and you inhale. We share the cigarette on the hood. My tongue grows heavy and limp.
I brush a fleck of tobacco off your lips with my thumb, then brush your lips again before taking your mouth in mine.
We kiss like this for an eternity, our mouths partially anesthetized, cigarette staleness overwhelmed by desire.
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via: Em & Lo